<body> i miss you all so...

this place is for our 5Ns'06 of Beatty Sec.
to stay in contact with each other
to know what happened in our lifes.
also to discuss whether when are outings will be held
and of course where
what time and ETC...


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Shi Pei - 10.01.1989
Jun Long - 30.01.1989
Xin Ting - 09.02.1989
Pei Xuan - 04.03.1989
Sherry - 06.03.1989
Alvin - 13.03.1989
Pei Ying - 17.04.1989
Jia Wei - 19.04.1989
Samantha - 19.04.1989
May Lwin -31.05.1989
Eugene - 06.06.1989
James - 12.06.1989
Kai Vearn - 19.06.1989
Lek Wei - 19.06.1989
Shivaani - 30.06.1989
Jocelyn - 03.07.1989
Md Noh - 04.08.1989
Angie - 04.08.1989
Yu Ning - 06.08.1989
Ferdy - 13.08.1988
Debby - 31.08.1987
Kian Fei - 30.09.1989
Jia Ming - 07.10.1988
Herry - 12.10.1987
Farah - 20.10.1989
Sollihin - 25.10.1989
Noor Muhammad - 29.10.1989
Yu Lin - 07.11.1989
Hakim - 14.11.1989
Sanjib - 18.11.1989
Anna - 26.11.1989
Lay Ying - 27.11.1989
Shu Xian - 05.12.1989
Aslam - 09.12.1989
Deviana - 13.12.1989
Isa - 25.12.1989
Phui Shan - 30.12.1989


May Lwin
Kai Vearn
Phui Shan


the PAST
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • February 2008
  • June 2008
  • the CREATOR

    do not remove the credits!! =)

    Designed with:
    Photoshop + frontpage

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    shall we meet on next friday, 31 august,
    outside Beatty Secondary School @9am?
    do tell me whether are you going!


    missed @
    11:34 PM

    ive finish my last paper today!
    hahaS! i'll be very free from now onwards!!
    need my help in anything can tell me!!


    missed @
    12:05 AM

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    all the best to those that who are having
    exams these few weeks!!
    Good luck!
    good GPA!!
    dont Ta Bao any module okok?!!


    missed @
    10:55 PM

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    " Find A Way To Bring Me Home,
    I Don't Want To Be Alone Again,
    Not Again"

    5 years down the road, cool people we meet and a troop of very brave soldiers that i fought the war with. I can't thank them enough. Well maybe a tribute for them. We should play ourselves a day out on teachers day after the day itself.

    P.S ' i am confident that we can get the entry '

    missed @
    11:32 PM

    Henno Hello! This could be a random post, but I thought I might want to share this place with you guys. Yah, you might have seen Sherry talking about this. Marina South Pier.

    After exiting Marina Bay MRT Station, you should be able to see this bus-stop.

    From here, you can choose to go to the pier by walking or by bus.

    By walking
    I'm quite bad at giving directions. So, yah. =P
    Walk past the bus-stop, and walk straight.

    Coming to an end of the pathway, you should have come upon traffic light.

    Cross the one on your right. Turn left, and walk straight.

    You'll see the pier in no time.

    The walk took me about 30 minutes the first time I went by myself. I can be quite a good exercise especially when I was wearing black that day.

    By bus

    You can choose to hop on Bus No. 402 at the bus-stop right outside the MRT Station, or take the one opposite which goes a big loop. Whichever way, the bus will terminate at the pier.

    Oh, it's not a shutter bus. Lol.

    This pier is a nice spot to emo, to chill and rot with your friends or loved ones.

    During the day, usually you'll find yourself alone there. Not many people will choose to go to pier, unless they are travelling, to chill.

    Now, what's so special about this Marina South Pier? Its rooftop garden is a beau.
    This rooftop garden is closed from 12 midnight to 7am.

    Don't have to worry about being baked under the sun when you get to rooftop garden, because there are shades available as you can see from the pictures. Of course, you can choose to suntan there if you want to. Not sure if they allows people with bikini though.

    In the day, there's not much you can see except the boats and sea. Not forgetting the sky, cloud and birds once in a while. It IS the best spot if there's wind blowing against your face. That day I went had this strong wind, which made me want to fall asleep. Nice.

    There's a bar on this rooftop garden. Sadly, it won't be operating in the day. If you're thirsty, you can always pop in the mama shop on the ground floor. One bottle of Green Tea is about $1.50.

    Oh, if you want to smoke there (not sure if any of you smokes), PLEASE don't throw your cigarette butt on the grass patch. I will advise you not to smoke. =)

    The rooftop is VERY beautiful at night! Too bad I didn't have a photo the pier from the outside.

    Under the sky full of little eyes with wind blowing gently, lying down on the ground to star gaze seem to be a dream. Hey, that dream can come true.

    If you picked a perfect night, with stars and is windy, you can actually lay down on the grass patch to star gaze. The lighting of the rooftop is quite dull, with blue lights on the floor. It's so dark, there will be couples hanging out living in their own world, sweet talking. You won't be able to see their faces though, you can at most see the outline of their body.

    This is how dark it can be.

    The bar is operating at night, playing very nice songs. Most of the songs that were played are romance kind.

    I would like to stress that it is perfect in windy and dry weather. =)

    If you want to go by cab, you can. But it's harder to catch a cab from the pier to city. The last bus to Marina Bay MRT Station is about 11.30pm.

    If you want to go by car, go ahead. You can park your car outside instead of parking in the pier's carpark. I don't think it's illegal because there's always cars outside, as well as inside. Whether you need a coupon or not, I'm not very sure.

    If you have got any nice place to chill, rot, emo or whatever, do let me know. I'd love to visit these spots. Till next time, tata~ ^-^


    missed @
    5:46 PM

    Monday, August 13, 2007

    Happy Birthday to FErdy!!
    May all Your wishes come true!!


    missed @
    11:18 PM

    Hey people!
    lets plan for the day On Teachers' Day alright?!
    shall we go back to school on that day to visit our dear
    Teachers and friends in school?
    as well as spend some time together?
    i believe that by 31 August,
    all of us would have finished their Exams and things like that right?
    i hope to see you guys in school!
    Miss All Of You and hope to see You Guys Real Soon!!


    missed @
    12:32 AM

    Saturday, August 11, 2007

    these two crazy girls see mirrors only den took pictures!
    somemore didnt ask me to take!

    oops! slapped?! hahas.

    looks so tempting!

    Took before the crowds starts and before we went for movies!

    dear shi pei see my phone in curiosity!
    whats on my phone then?!

    whats happening to lay ying's eyes?
    has she eaten the food that is not to her liking?
    i suppose so..

    hey! the glutton ate many oysters!!
    i feel like puking!

    we took some shots before watching movie!

    updated, 1:14am

    missed @
    12:32 AM

    Thursday, August 9, 2007

    went out for a mini-outing with lay ying, shi pei and herry.
    our so called mini-outing is that we went to eat at pariss(a buffet place at marina square)
    and after that watched movie, -Perfect stranger.
    we excluding herry went squeezing into the crowd at the the connecting bridge that can see
    the stage if we were early.
    and squeezed all the way to the other side of NTUC building.
    the fireworks is so beautiful!
    i simply loved it so much!
    i'll post the video here! so enjoy!
    and the latest photos!
    i'll post on the side.

    this is the first part of the fireworks. and with all those screamings.
    *ahem. certainly not mine!

    this is the second part of the fireworks!
    thats the best part where the last fireworks is being shot!!

    *oops, sorry ar..
    the video thing is out of the dividers.
    i cant do anything about it..
    im so sorry..
    just bear with it alright?


    missed @
    11:11 PM

    "The days i've felt alone,
    And the sea,
    It brings me back again,
    So that i can see my wife,
    I can see my child,
    Home,I'm Home, it never changes,
    Same old faces, same old places"

    5 years together and now the reunion during our teachers day.

    P.s People please bring along your camera. So we can whore around.


    missed @
    2:42 PM

    I miss everyone hereeee~

    Life is great but life in RP sucks. Heh! =D Anyone going back Beatty for Teachers' Day?

    May Lwin =)

    missed @
    12:45 AM

    Its Singapore's 42th BirthdaY!
    and let me send all of you my regards!
    Its also a Holiday!
    Do enjoy Yourselves!


    missed @
    12:13 AM

    Today is the day that this blog is born!
    i hope all our 5Ns ppl will try to tag and post here.
    to let each other to stay in contact and to let others to know
    what is going on around you!


    missed @
    12:02 AM